Friday, November 14, 2014

The Woes of Winter Living

We had our first truly below freezing temps a few nights ago (-20 real feel, brrr) and our pipes froze in the kitchen the first night along with the hot water pipe. The next night he bathroom froze up too. Talk about an interesting day with dishes piled up and no water to speak of. We had a glimmer of hope that night with some slow drips in the kitchen and water back in the bathroom. However M discovered that we had a pretty major leak in the under belly where we connect the city water in to the Fifth Wheel. Turns out that the threads in the connector got stripped between the connection itself freezing and the water coming in being warm from our hose. A trip to the RV store and Home Depot an we are now hooked back up and fully thawed! I think I heard a hallelujah chorus when the sink turned on and we had super hot water! I have never been happier to wash dishes, and you can quote me on that!
The glimmer of hope!
Nothing like an empty sink!

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