Sunday, July 20, 2014

Downsizing is easy. Selling is hard.

My advice for anyone looking in to doing this life style. Start selling all belongs you don't want to keep or won't hold well long term in storage at least 6 months prior. We have allotted ourselves a month as we have our house on the market and realistically could sell it within a month, minimum. Rooms that looked clean looked like war zones once we started going through them.

When did we accumulate so much stuff?

I'll tell you, it took 7 years, 3 kids and two people who have a "this may be useful later" type attitude. We weren't sure how many kids we wanted so clothes and toys from the oldest two were held on to. Also having almost 2800sqft of space you end up accumulating things to fill rooms that looked empty and to organize all your belongings.

I've been asked how I can just let everything go. But it's all material. I carry my memories with me as do my kids. They have their favorite toys, a craft box and puzzles for those rainy or cold days when their toys become" boring". Our goal in this is to bring our family closer together, long after the novelty of the fifth wheel wears off. We want to make memories and spend time with our kids that would have otherwise been spent fixing a house or cleaning it!

Get out there and explore and enjoy your families and your kids while they're young!

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