Thursday, December 11, 2014

Making things pretty!

We finalized our skirt and painted it, we put up the fence so that the pups could enjoy our yard and not have to be watched like hawks, we also decorated the RV for Christmas with some lights. M finally got his icicle lights that he has been wanting for years now. We also added a new member to our family. We adopted her from the humane society here and she has fit right in to our pack, even the fluff is happy to have a friend in the house.

We love the lot we are set up on, we have a gorgeous view of Cheyenne mountain, we get deer and turkey in the yard, and the occasional bear trash diving when it's warmer out. The kids and the dogs are all enjoying the space to play in and we love it too!
M did a great job on the fence!

Love the mountain view!
 M decided if we were going to settle for our own home made skirting instead of professional that we were going to do it right and make it look nice. We found a color that was close to matching and M did most the painting himself, I joined in to help with a few final sections.

 We decorated the tongue of the trailer to make it a little more festive on the outside, along with adding a little extra lighting for those midnight potty breaks that the dogs like to take every now and then. M finally got his icicle lights that he has been wanting. They need some time to relax and stretch out from being in a tiny box but they look great and he's happy which is all that matters!

The newest addition to the pack is a tiny little gal. She is only 6 months old and is a Rat Terrier mix. She wont get in ad weighs in at a slimming 8 pounds currently. Which compared to the fluff is quite a difference! But she loves him, and I think the feelings are mutual.

Let me just take up the other half of the couch!

I hope to have interior photos put up here in the next few days with some of our organizing that we've done to follow soon.